Facebook Ads for Small Business

If you want to ensure you’re getting the best results from your Facebook ads, you need to know they’re reaching the right audience. The good news is, thanks to the social media giant’s huge range of targeting options, this couldn’t be easier.

By only reaching the people who actually matter, your ads have a lot more value and in turn deliver a much higher conversion rate. So how exactly can you ensure you’re reaching the right audience?

Location and demographic targeting

Two of the most powerful targeting options available when you create a Facebook ad are location and demographic. You can choose exactly where you want your customers to be based. This is especially useful for local businesses focused solely on drawing in local customers to their stores.

Narrowing down the location is only the first step however. The next is to target specific demographics. You need to think about the type of consumer that’s going to be most interested in your product.

For example, will millennials be more interested in what you have to offer, or would your services best suit those over the age of 40? You can specify certain age groups when targeting your ad to ensure you’re reaching the most appropriate audience. That’s not all, you can also target things such as:

  • Gender
  • Relationship status
  • Employment

The more you narrow down your audience, the better the results you’ll have. However, one thing you should be careful of is behavioral targeting. While it may seem clever, 68% of consumers state they aren’t ok with targeted ads that follow them around based upon their behavior[i].

The benefits of running multiple ads

Of course, targeted ads largely only help if you know WHO you are targeting in the first place. However, it is possible to develop a deeper understanding of your target audience by running multiple ads.

It can be extremely beneficial to run several targeted ads at the same time, each targeting a different demographic or location. That way, you can see exactly which groups are most interested in your product.

You may just be surprised to discover that a different group of people to those you initially planned to target are more interested in what you have to offer.

It’s pretty simple to set up a targeted Facebook ad. The options are automatically presented to you once you’ve chosen your ad objective. However, it is a good idea to do your research first. That way, you’ll know exactly who you should be targeting and which options have the best chance of success.